Thursday, 24 November 2011

Review : Emerald Destiny by Allie Burke

Goodreads Synopsis :
The night was completely calm now, cool and slightly breezy, no trace of the earlier storm. The rain had been vicious, cutting through his skin like glass, his heart shattering as the shards poured into him from the sky. Not even Cameron's polished influence could muster a storm like that, one that drained his energy until he blacked out of his head. It had only ever rained like that a handful of times since Evan could remember, but every time it did, she was somewhere in the woods, crying. She said she didn't remember him. Abby was a lot of things, but never a liar. That is, until tonight. 

Nineteen year old Evan spends his time in the woods of Dare Forest, as close to her as he can be, the girl that for fourteen years, his heart has ached for. The same girl that everyone around him forbids him to love. 

Abby's nights are crowded between her Enchanter life, her dreading nightmares, and her enduring will to save her brother from his own inner darkness. But when Evan speaks to her for the first time in fourteen years, she finds she can no longer endure the sorrow clouding her world. 

Countless times before them, the union between a Brooks woman and a Reed man has failed. The love in their hearts strives to be together forever, but will their destinies break them apart?

My Review

Emerald Destiny (The Enchanters)Emerald Destiny by Allie Burke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Welcome back to The Enchanters. Emerald Destiny continues beautifully on with the next generation of Enchanters. Allie Burke has created a wonderful, magical place where you go on an amazing emotional roller-coaster ride and you can escape into a world of love, family and the mystical.
In my opinion you have to read book one, Violet Midnight, to follow and understand the story and dynamics of the characters.
I have thoroughly loved visiting the world of The Enchanters and am really looking forward to the release of Amber Passion, the third book of the series.

No Spoilers Intended

View all my reviews
Amazon Kindle


  1. Sounds like a good read, haven't heard of this author before


  2. Hi Lainy
    How you doing? Thank you for the RT on twitter ;)
    I have loved reading The Enchanters. Allie Burke's style of writing is wonderful. For me an author to to follow. She has a third book of the series due to be released in early 2012..

  3. Love the new look, black is my favourite colour


  4. Great review! I have to try that out soon. New Follower!

  5. Hi Lainy
    Thank you my friend.
    I'll be blog hopping this week ... I'll drop on by to say a big Hi.. Thank you for all your support.
    You're awesome..

  6. Hi Eileen
    Welcome to my blog. Thank you for following. I have hopped onto your awesome blog and added to my links list. Also following you too I'm glad you like the review. You made my day! The Enchanters is really wonderful.
    I look forward to following you...
